An Image is worth a thousand words

Lets say you are roaming in the countryside and just discovered a gorgeous lady walking down the street wearing an outstanding outfit which makes her even looking more beautiful. Now according to you there can nothing be more perfect and more important than that particular outfit which you would definitely like to purchase for your love on her next special occasion. But from where on earth you will search for a similar outfit ? Would you run after the lady and ask her the details of the dress she has worn ? No way. Then what should be your next immediate step ? Wait. You can simply do one thing. Take a picture of the lady may be with your mobile phone or a camera whatever you prefer to before she disappears. If your picture is clear enough with less background noise I think you are apparently done. Lets discuss how.

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A short intro to Lagrange Multiplier

In this article I will try my best to explain what exactly a Lagrange Multiplier means and how these multipliers play important role in solving some of the crucial optimization problems in the context of machine learning.

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My stint as a problem setter at Codechef

The problem statement of P vs NP appears to be deceptively simple on the surface, but it is colossal underneath. The main objective is to determine whether there exist problems whose solution can be quickly checked, but which require an impossibly long time to solve by any direct procedure.

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